Sunday, May 6, 2012

Candy Girl

Wore this outfit last Friday for the first ever Candy Style Awards. 

TOP: Jag ♥ DRESS USED AS SKIRT: Never Been Kissed ( dept. store )

I was really excited knowing that my sister bought the May Issue of Candy Magazine for me!
FYI, The May issue will serve as your pass to the event.
Thank you, Ate Queenie for that! :-)

SHOES: Solemate ♥ BAG: Fab & Chic
I wore this polka-dotted dress ( that I used as a skirt ) because I can't stop
thinking about CANDIES ( lol corny :P )

EARRINGS: Le Plume Accessories ♥ BRACELETS: from Ms. Dina :-)

Will blog about the event next!

♥ xXx ♥