Monday, May 14, 2012


Last Saturday, because of the unbearable heat that our country has been experiencing, My sister decided to pay a visit to one of our go-to-malls, SM Mall of Asia. I was so lazy at first because I slept at 4 in the morning and all I wanna do that day is to glue my body on my bed. But then, I got convinced when she told me that she'll be treating me. HAHA ! It's everyday that she makes some aya to me, kaya go lang ng go!

PLEASE bear with my BLURP face -__- AWKWARD

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Hello Kitty event for Mother's Day ♥

My niece. No, she's NOT a fan of Hello Kitty :P gaya-gaya lang sakin yan!

Too bad I wasn't able to make a SOLO picture at that place. Some moms were in a rush that they just want us to leave right away! 

My sister and her cray cray daughter

BONCHON FTW!!! I ate 6 chickens from them that day |CRAY|

LOOK! She's enjoying her fries :P

Look at their mouths! :D

Hey baby, you looked like an owl here. BIG BIG eyes (O.O)
 I'll be ending this post with a photo of the famous MOA Eye that I haven't tried at all. boo yah!
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That's it for our usual Saturdays! It's just a week before Philippine Fashion Week. What show's are you going? I'll be going to the Luxe Wear Collection on the 22th of May. Will you be there also? Still in search for some PFW tickets for some shows. Gimme some please? :P